Interview 007 – Rick Delano on the Principle and Geocentrism

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Today we welcome Rick Delano, the Producer of the movie: The Principle, to talk about issues relating to the same movie as well as the subject of Geo-centrism, and other topics relating to the movie, which I highly recommend irrespective of your views on the matter. We will also deal with what is Special Relativity and General Relativity, its consequences for Newtonian Physics, and even dispel certain myths about contributors to the movie being misled or edited. At length, we discuss the spectre of Giordano Bruno, the Italian defrocked Dominican who was burned at the Campo Dei Fiore and has emerged as a martyr for science, even though he was not a scientist. I think you will find his answer on Bruno compelling if not downright convincing.

NB: I apologize, the Skype connection was not always the best, so a few words got slurred here and there. Anything really garbled was repeated.

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Interview Notes

The Principle
Lawrence Krauss: Is Copernicus coming back to haunt us?
Galileo was Wrong
Relativity eliminates Newtonian Mechanics (with explanation of Michaelson-Morely)
Thirring’s paper on the gravitational effects of rotating bodies (essential read on the question of Corialis effect)
The Principle: Controversy Page
The Lunacy of the Multiverse
Bruno was a martyr for magic, not science
Giordano Bruno and the Rosecrucians
Science Magazine cover: Is there a crisis in Physics?
Response from Robert Sungenis and Rick Delano on charges of anti-semitism
Response by Robert Sungenis and Rick Delano to claims they misused or lied or tricked scientists into being apart of the film as well as the attack by other Catholics, on Michael Voris’ Church Militant TV

8 thoughts on “Interview 007 – Rick Delano on the Principle and Geocentrism

  1. Gregory

    Fantastic. I am really a skeptic, and still one, but this is very challenging because this guy really knows what he’s talking about. When I got my BA in physics, we never learned that Einstein’s theories eliminate Newton. But since I’ve been researching that I find Mr. Delano is absolutely right. This makes me take a second look. I look forward to the DVD since this movie is not available in my area.

    1. rubens7 Post author

      Well, if you put it that way that is correct, the Church did not ever morally and theologically condemn the idea that the sun is in the center of the universe (heliocentrism), the very view of Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler. They condemned the proposition that the Earth moves. Paul V condemned the proposition by putting Copernicus’ work on the Index of Forbidden books. In the 1633 condemnation a more formal decree had come about, which was taught more authoritatively and with more authority than other doctrines that people have no problem holding. This is why JPII or any other Pope has ever revoked the Church’s judgment, because it is such a high level of condemnation that it arises to the secondary object of infallibility, so to revoke that would put many things the Church has always formerly held in jeopardy. So instead they have ignored it.

      1. Joseph

        Very interesting. So this being hard to swallow is just because or the knee-jerk reaction we’ve been programed with to believe the Church cant talk about science, and that the earth moves.

      2. rubens7 Post author

        Maybe. Its hard for me to swallow sometimes when I get to thinking about it. But, it is as Rick said towards the end, maybe we’re crazy, but then again, maybe we’re not. It is now the science side arguing how many multi-verses can fit on the head of a pin.

  2. Pingback: Interview 012 – Dr. Robert Sungenis on Geocentrism | Athanasius Contra Mundum

  3. Pingback: Interview 012 – Dr. Robert Sungenis on Geocentrism – Mediatrix Press

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