Interview 015 – Fr. Michael Driscoll on Exorcism and the Traditional Latin Mass

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fr_driscollToday we are joined by Fr. Michael Driscoll, a priest of the diocese of Peoria IL, for a frank conversation about the TLM vs. the NO, issues in the liturgy following Vatican II, as well as issues relating to exorcism and his book Demons, Deliverance Discernment: Separating Fact from Fiction about the Spirit World.

NB: The opinions and commentary I express elsewhere on this website are not necessarily those of Fr. Driscoll or the Diocese of Peoria.

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Interview Notes:

Diocese of Peoria
Vatican II’s Liturgy Constitution
Comparison of the Traditional Latin Mass vs. the New Rite
St. Thomas Aquinas on the Fallen AngelsSt. Thomas on the interpretation of Scripture
Tertullian’s Apologeticus (the reference I made was to chapter XXII)
Satanist feast days (Protestant website) [Warning: explicit detail]
Interview 008 – Fr. Ripperger on Exorcism and Traditionalism
Discussion of the Old vs. New rites of exorcism – Manfred Hauke
Introduction to the Science of Mental Health by Fr. Ripperger

6 thoughts on “Interview 015 – Fr. Michael Driscoll on Exorcism and the Traditional Latin Mass

  1. kmo

    Hey Ryan do you think in the future you could write a post about how you got started in learning latin and what resources you would recommend to a begginner? Such as dictionaries, manuals, grammer books ect?

    1. rubens7 Post author

      I’ve been working on a podcast about that. I’m currently republishing Fr. Most’s Latin by the Natural Method which is a two volume work. It takes a lot of time to produce stuff like this, which is why I’ve been doing mostly interviews since it saves time and someone else gets to do the talking. 😀

      1. Jeffrey Garrity

        Thank you for finding such interesting interviews; I’m impressed at how thoughtful and wide-ranging your questions and topics are.

        It brought some joy to me to find out that you are working on republishing that book. Almost a year ago a good friend gave me a copy of Fr. Most’s Latin by the Natural Method, and I have been quite enjoying it in private study to my great profit. However, I’ve noticed that my development in vocally piecing together the Latin, separate from written text, has been somewhat deficient; by any chance, have you been able to track down the audio tapes which Fr. Most briefly mentions in the teacher’s manual? My small and feeble attempts to contact Loras College and Regnery Publishing so far have borne no fruit – apparently the Special Collections at Loras is not fully cataloged, and I received no response from the Regnery website.

        Listening to the Mass and some tapes from “Cursus Linguae Latinae Vivae” by P. Suitbertus H Siedl a S. Joanne a Cruce, O.C.D. (Editiones Familiae Sancti Hieronymi) has helped me some to get a feeling for the general sound of the Latin language, although it would be nice to have something which intentionally goes with Fr. Most’s texts.

      2. rubens7 Post author

        You’re welcome, glad to be of service!
        re: the tapes: Exactly. I didn’t know about the tapes until I scanned the teacher’s guide and got that ready. I had to pause momentarily from the layout, that should be ready fairly soon.
        Don’t expect any response from Regnery, they won’t talk to you these days unless you come in with a good agent or are otherwise some bigshot or have connections. I hadn’t actually thought of Loras college, so I do thank you for having done that. One would probably have to go there, which is impossible for me at the moment. I’ve got more digging to do to find those. If anyone happens to have a set and were willing to lend me them, I will have them re-mastered to a CD-rom and send a complimentary cd back along with the tapes.

  2. kmo

    Regarding the conversation around 16:00, Gamber has this to say in a footnote (page 38, footnote 33):

    “The following point is worth pondering: As already discussed, according to canon law, a person’s affiliation with a particular liturgical rite is determined by that person’s rite of baptism. Given that the liturgical reforms of Pope Paul VI created a de facto new rite, one could assert that those among the faithful who were baptized according to the traditional Roman rite have the right to continue following that rite; just as priests who were ordained according to the traditional Ordo have a right to exercise the very rite that they were ordained to celibrate.”

    When I first read it I thought it could be applied to Novus Ordo priests continuing to celibrate the rite they were ordained in. And in the same vein, people baptized in the Novus Ordo be allowed to remain and practice in that rite.

    But at the same time, the very injustice Novus Ordo priests object too is the same injustice that was levied against every Latin Rite priest and lay person prior to the introduction of the new Liturgy. And as much as we should respect new rite Catholics and Priests, we Latin Rite Catholics still have a right to our tradition and patrimony.

    Should we eliminate the Novus Ordo entirely and revert back overnight? My answer is no, probably not right away, but at the very least every parish priest should be obligated to still offer the old mass with equal accessibility as the Novus Ordo masses in their parishes. Otherwise they are complacent in the ongoing injustice being committed against the lay people who have a right to the option of attending the old mass.


Fac responsum tuum hic...