Interview 008 – Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD

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Fr RippergerToday Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD, joins us for a wide ranging conversation on Exorcism, its process and mechanics, the nature of demons and the portrayal of exorcism in Hollywood. We also discuss the state of Philosophy and Theology in the Church, same-sex “marriage”, the loss of reason in society, the Crisis of Authority after Vatican II as well as Catholic economics and Spirituality.

NB: As always, the views otherwise expressed on this website are not necessarily those of interviewees or their superiors.

NB#2: Ich danke allen von Die Auswaertigen Missionen kommen. Ich habe Deutsch seit Jahren gesprochen, das ist das Beste, was ich verwalten.

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Episode Notes:

Resources for Fr. Ripperger

Sensus Traditionis
Sensus Traditionis Press
Introduction to the Science of Mental Health
Binding Force of Tradition
Magisterial Authority

My translation of the Canisius Catechism, which Father referenced in the Interview:


11 thoughts on “Interview 008 – Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD

  1. Pingback: Interview 015 – Fr. Michael Driscoll on Exorcism and the Traditional Latin Mass | Athanasius Contra Mundum

  2. Pingback: Interview 016 – dom Noah Moerbeek on the Poor Knights of Christ | Athanasius Contra Mundum

  3. Jess

    this was a great interview. However, why does Father say that if the lay faithful are morally bad, that their priest will be bad also? I thought that it was commonly held (and I think The Cure of Ars says this) that the causality ran in the opposite direction: if the priests are bad, the people will consequently be even worse? In other words, it seems the greater fault would rest with priests rather than laymen.

  4. Pingback: Interview 028 – Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD on Metaphysics, Evolution, Divorce and Remarraige | Athanasius Contra Mundum

  5. Pingback: You Get What You Ask For | Under the Mantle

  6. Pingback: Interview 016 – dom Noah Moerbeek on the Poor Knights of Christ – Mediatrix Press

  7. Pingback: Interview 015 – Fr. Michael Driscoll on Exorcism and the Traditional Latin Mass – Mediatrix Press

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