Tag Archives: Boniface VIII

Interview 025 — Pope Boniface VIII and the decline of the medieval Papacy

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Today Boniface of Unam Sanctam Catholicam rejoins us to talk about his blogger namesake, Pope Boniface VIII, his life and how politically he ushered in the end of the Medieval Papacy and the prestige it enjoyed from great Popes like Innocent III an Gregory VII, and more to the point, the beginning of the dissolution of Christendom. We also discuss the authority and implications of his famous Bull Unam Sanctam, and the positive aspects of Boniface VIII’s papacy in the establishment of Jubilee years.
NB: This was originally recorded on the feast of Christ the King on the Traditional Catholic Liturgical Calendar, but is actually published closer to the Feast of Christ the King on the 1970 Calendar.

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The Rending of Christendom: Primary Source textbook
Philip the Fair and Boniface VIII


Unam Sanctam
1911 Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Boniface VIII
Sicilian Vespers
Agevin = Supporter of Charles of Anjou (i.e. French)
Guelphs and Gibbelines
Papal Interdict
Papal Legates
Edward I
Philip IV, “the Fair” of France
Analysis of The Bull Unam Sanctam
Inauguration of the Jubilee year

We also mentioned St. John Fisher a little bit. Here is a book treating the history and times of St. John Fisher in great detail, where you can see the discussion of Praemunire and many of the things that begin in Boniface VIII’s time in great detail:

John_fisher_Reynolds_frontSt. John Fisher: Reformer, Humanist, Martyr by E.E. Reynolds

Interview -019 Fr. Joannes Petrus on Revolution and Counter Revolution Part 1

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pilgrimage-of-grace-bannerToday we are joined by Fr. Joannes Petrus, a priest who has researched and studied revolution as well as the occult, masonry and history. Continue reading